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Split 🇭🇷 (TD Summer 2019)

Juliette Teunissen

2 July

4:30pm – Boat left Dubrovnik

7:55pm - Arrive at Hvar, not kicked off

9pm - Arrive in Split, walk to hostel, chat with ppl, admire Belgian girl who is dressed up to go out and read by herself

9:45pm - Wander around, get ice cream x2

11:15pm – crash in bunkbed

3 July

7am – Reminded that I’m back in a hostel as people are waking and packing up

10:27am - Walking to Pandora Greenbox, remember city from last night

11am - Joined by hostel roommate, get fruity breakfast - wow!

12:22pm - Got to bell tower, French/Dutch

12:52pm - Started climbing

12:56pm - Looking over the city

1:10pm - Crypt, disappointment

1:19pm - Realized that there was no palace but the city was built on the remains of the palace

1:40pm - North of city to gardens + Gregory of Nin statue (medieval bishop who strongly opposed the Pope)

2:30pm - In palace basement, a reflection of the above ground

3:10pm – Have a bubble egg Waffle dessert - ultimate tourist symbol and of globalization

3:30pm - Back at hostel, Australian guy sleeping

4:30pm - Interview

6pm – Sit at bar at Boqueria

6:30pm - Food arrived, conversation with friendly French/Russian woman

7:15pm - Zoi, drink + dessert, admiring the view. Croatian thing that u have to ask for stuff BUT European so I’m left to sit there for as long as I want, even though it’s super busy

Spot another woman eating alone

8:40pm - realize I have to book it for game

8:55pm - get last spot right by tv, next to swedes, all swedes

9pm - game begins

9:15pm - already tense

9:45pm - half time and still no change, spot a group of Dutch girls in sea of Swedes

11:10pm - goal, win?

11:15pm - Games over and the few triumphant Dutch fans and I celebrate among the sad Swedes

11:48pm - Bar empty-looking, late, alone

12am - Back to hostel, sleep

4 July

4am/6am/7am - Kept being woken up by people leaving

8:30am - Started packing

9:15am - Croatian bakery, checkout left stuff

10am - Got to Marjan hill steps

10:10am - climbed, very hard, a bit more to church

10:45am - Walked to a bus station, not sure when coming

11:04am - It (finally) arrives

11:11am - Walk down to the beach, rocky, go for a swim

1:49pm - Catch the bus back to center

2:02pm - Sit down for lunch at fife, order the special, plate of meat, people-watching

4pm - After checking out and walking towards bus station, bus is there and leaves at 4pm

4:40pm - People who need to check in herded somewhere, I walk off to the side

5:30pm - Wow, so many people, plugs don’t work, lots of elderly Italians chatting, crazy

5:50pm - Rampage to get on, sit down in my seat up front, flight takes off



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About Me

I'm an international globetrotter and I want to share my food and travel passion from my experience living in and travelling to many amazing places all around the world.


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